Call to Action! Support Missouri Arts Council Funding!
Your support is needed now. Contact your legislator and express your support for funding the Missouri Arts Council. Learn more here!
Call to Action! HB 711 Open Enrollment
Please consider sending a message to the Education Committee sharing your views. Contact information, bill details, and a sample script and talking points are available here!
Don't Let Student Artists and Performers Go Hungry!
Your support is needed to help ensure student artists and performers at this year's Fine Arts Education Day can receive a free lunch. Make a donation today here.
Mark your calendar and plan to participate in our initiatives which promote arts education like Fine Arts Education Day (4.9.25), the Show-Me Arts Summit (4.8.25) the Senate Exhibit, and MAAE Awards and contests. With your participation, these initiatives help policy makers understand the power and value of a well-rounded education which includes the arts. Both in-person and remote involvement is possible.
Visit the Fine Arts Education Week page to keep up to date on events!
Fine Arts Education Week Showcasing the importance of Arts Education at the state capitol April 7-11, 2025
Senate Student Fine Arts Exhibit submit student artwork by January 15, 2025
Show-Me Arts Summit: Empowering the Student Voice in Advocacy April 8, 2025
Fine Arts Education Day Feature your student artists as we Showcase Arts Education.
Check out our News Update filled with MAAE news, Professional Learning opportunities, Student Opportunities, New Job Postings, News and Resources from MAAE Allies, and more!
Become an ally at no cost. We are stronger together! learn more
Endorse our statement in support of Artistic Freedom
Learn About the Work of the Alliance
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We support arts education
Annual sponsorship of presenters for professional learning conferences hosted by Missouri’s statewide arts education organizations.
Annual sponsorship of clinicians/directors for Missouri All-State honor ensembles
Hosting professional learning networks offering free, high quality, content-specific professional learning experiences.
We support professional learning that is both content-specific and that which addresses issues related to inclusion/diversity and also helping teachers learn to integrate the arts across the curriculum.
We promote arts education
Professional learning in arts education and Arts Integration
Student exhibit, contests and scholarship opportunities
Mentors for new teachers
Collaboration with Missouri non-profit arts organizations engaged in arts education
Missouri Fine Arts Academy
Student arts advocacy training
State and local arts advocacy events
We celebrate excellence in arts education, honor arts ed advocates, and celebrate the work of student artists
Arts Centered Education residency opportunities
We advocate for arts education
We are the eyes, ears and voice for statewide policies which impact arts education
We compile reports from the monthly meetings of the State Board of Education
We have a Legislative and policy watch team which monitors pending legislation
We remain vigilant in reinforcing the value of arts education
We raise visibility and awareness
We provide resources for local arts advocacy efforts
We connect and unite Missouri’s arts education community serving as a conduit for communication and coalition for action in focus areas such as legislation, and policy issues, and crisis response
The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education gratefully acknowledges the generous ongoing support of our principal and associate allies, partners, donors and other organizations.